BenBE's humble thoughts Thoughts the world doesn't need yet …


Probably only few new features this time

Filed under: GeSHi — BenBE @ 19:01:44

How time passes by. It’s already middle of January and there hasn’t been much work on GeSHi yet. Not that there was no time (which wasn’t, but that’s some other story) but there has only been little input so far thus no real changes were needed.

Well, actually there was some input in the form of some mails that pointed out some glitches I somehow missed in the previous release. First of all there was some kinda ugly bug that I got informed about multiple times: In the AutoIt language file there was a whole keyword group that made the parser go berserk. I couldn’t quite find the reason for this as the parser normally should allow underscores as first symbols of a keyword (if they aren’t set as symbols), but who knows. A short parser control that matches the first underscore if not preceeded by some alphanumeric character and the removal of the underscore from the actual keyword group did the job. And since this ment some major reformatting of the list: Don’t mention AutoIt anytime soon: I hate this file for now!

The other problems were minor ones. All dialects of C and C++ should now properly support multiline-continued preprocessor directives. This isn’t quite a new feature, but some point I missed, when I initially added multiline continuation in C for single line comments in some of the previous releases.

And as we already are at missing stuff: In the PHP language file I missed to escape the backslash properly, thus double-quoted strings ending in an escaped backslash weren’t properly ended as the ending double-quote was escaped instead of the escaped backslash.

So only keeps waiting for some more input and feedback for the remaining time till the release which probably will be in mid-February. Until then I’m not sure if I can invest a lot of time since exams at University call for attention. But well, time for integrating your patches and language files will of course be enough. Overall will be mostly a bugfix release. IDK if I will issue some Release Candidates beforehand as there barely are changes requiring one.

So let’s see!

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